Product Code: ENGLABINGCAG6000002
Categories: Engineering Mechanics Lab Equipments Supply
Tags: Corrosion Of Metals
Corrosion Of Metals
"Corrosion damage to metallic components causes considerable economic and technical damages.
The issue of corrosion and corrosion protection therefore plays an important role in technical training.
Electrochemical corrosion (local elements)
Corrosion protection with external voltage and sacrificial anodes
Principles of corrosion and corrosion protection on metallic materials
Oxygen corrosion
Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Corrosion behaviour of different metallic materials (rust / passivation)
Oxygen corrosion
Corrosion protection
External voltage
Formation of local elements
Influence of pH value of the electrolyte solution
Influence of salt concentration in the electrolyte solution
Sacrificial anodes
Protective layers."
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