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Rotationally Symmetrical Components

Rotationally Symmetrical Components

Product Code: ENGLABINGCAG6000018

Categories: Engineering Mechanics Lab Equipments Supply

Tags: Rotationally Symmetrical Components


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  • Description

Rotationally Symmetrical Components


"Reading and understanding complex engineering drawings are core skills.
The use of concrete applications and real-world workpieces and standard parts is intended to develop engineering communication skills.
They are at least equivalent to drawing ability itself, and are the aim of this course.
The actual drawing tasks are developed from a larger technological environment.

Introduction to sectional views
Consists of drilling jig and workpiece

Learning Objectives And Experiments:
Familiarisation with sectional views: full section and half section
Dimensioning of rotating parts and threads
Introduction to graphical representation of rotationally symmetrical components
Complete machining on modern tooling machines
Tolerances, fits, surface specifications
Production engineering aspects
Devices as aids for drilling and reaming
Classification of the workpiece in a larger technological context."

Rotationally Symmetrical Components

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